Joe Mymryk
Postdoc: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA
PhD: McMaster University, Canada
Office: London Regional Cancer Program, Room A4-837
Phone: 519.685.8600 x53012
Lab Website:
Area of Study:
DNA tumor viruses and associated human cancers
-virus/host interaction and cancer
-human adenovirus
-human papillomavirus and head & neck cancer
-Epstein-Barr virus and gastric cancer
-protein interactions and short linear interaction motifs
-nuclear import signals
Research Profile
Viruses are responsible for ~5-10% of human cancers. Our laboratory studies mechanisms related to how viral infection leads to human cancers. We are particularly interested in how viral protein interactions with host regulatory proteins lead to cellular reprogramming of gene expression and cell growth. Our work is largely centered around studies of human adenovirus, human papillomavirus and Epstein-Barr virus. We work closely with clinicians treating virally associated cancers, particularly in the Departments of Oncology and Otolarygology-Head and Neck Surgery.